Sunday, August 13, 2006


When my friend Jenny and I drove across the country back in 1996, I hopped out in Salt Lake City, she continued on to Seattle where she has more-or-less remained since. You learn a lot about a person when you drive across the country with them. I learned that Jenny has great resolve and humour in the face of potential disaster. Case in point: the night in Kansas when we had to abandon our campsite to seek shelter in the men's toilet of a campground to escape the threat of a tornado. Jenny had the wits about her to ask the older couple in the stall next to us to take our picture to commemorate the sheer ridiculousness of our predicament. So i shouldn't be surprised that she was able to withstand the grueling strain of a 6 year remodel on the Seattle home she shares with her beau, Rob. And i am pleased to see that the Seattle Times also recognized this amazing feat by doing a story on them for their home and garden insert called Digs. I just love the pic of her on the cover holding the drill. The article paints a very good picture of the pitfalls and landmines they had to face. I'm so proud of her. Also, there is a good side bar on how to tackle a remodel without trashing a relationship.


Anonymous said...

The best way to keep your relationship intact while remodeling or redecorating your home is to just let Robert do everything and try to stay out of his way.

I learned a lot about him on our cross-country move last summer. Mainly that he's not as good at driving as I am.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
sounds as if you are having a bit of a power struggle within your own home situation. Shorten that skirt and shave those sideburns. Demand and get what you want. Dont be a wimper. Who cares what the place looks like if mammas not satisfied, you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

I'm tho drunk....

Anonymous said...

Wow I must have been Reeeally wasted because i dont remember posting that first comment. Tequlia makes my clothes fall off.

Anonymous said...

{Note to self: Never give Parnell tequila}

Anonymous said...

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