Monday, December 14, 2009


Some of you might recall when we posted about the avocado tree finally bearing fruit back in April. The time has finally come and the avocados are ripe for the picking. Wellllll... they are picked a bit on the nhard side and the they soften up here in the house. We figure that if we pick them a little early then the rats won't eat them when they ripen on the tree. Those rats are opportunists and will not think twice about ruining our day. There

The perfect color, flavor and the texture is like BUTTAH!

Cumin lime turkey burgers with salsa and sour cream, garlic/chili mash potatoes, and carrots.


Deb said...

THERE they are - I was wondering where those itty-bitty babies went. They take their sweet time, don't they. That meal looks reeeeeal ono. . .only my eyes keeps thinking bacon when I look at that salsa;)

Conn said...

they sure are slow. a man could starve to death waiting on a buttery avocado. now... bacon salsa... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

James said...

I like how you stuck a slice in the mashed potatoes! Why not? =)

leigh said...

yum! this reminded me of the most gigantic avocado i have ever seen, an 'ono gift from my aunty's tree, which was at least the size of a softball.

that sucker was buttery too.

of course, after that tasty delight it never seems to be avocado season when we visit. boo.

Annie Pazoo said...

Love avocados - too bad we I can't grow them in Maryland. And I had no idea they hung from the tree like that...

Diane said...

yummmm! and soooo pretty :)

Amy Juanna Kapuanani Antonio said...

I need to stop reading your posts pre-dinner. So ono!