Last month we had the pleasure of finally meeting Deb, of deb and her camera fame.
We "met" Deb here on CFC after she found us by searching for Hawai'i blogs. She grew up here in Maui and was back for summer vacation so we decided to meet up after so many great conversations in the blog and facebook world. We are fascinated by her growing-up in the now dusty, somewhat deserted town of Puunene. We were so happy to see them that we forgot to take pictures of their visit. Luckily, Deb is a wonderful photographer and snapped most of these shots.
She came along with her husband Scott and daughter Malia...aka Bean and brought a delicious lunch courtesy of Cupie's in Kahului which is now our must-stop lunch spot when we are in town. Conn made a delicious liliko'i coconut pound cake for dessert. We set up a table and chairs under the royal ponciana in the backyard and for 3 or so hours enjoyed each other's company and were thoroughly entertained by Bean's intermittant demands. At one point she decided to commandeer her mom's camera and become a frantic photographer with commands like, "Could someone please move those bottles?" and "Big eyes, big eyes!!"

She was also obsessed with Kekoa after seeing him on the blog. We were extremely thrilled to receive 2 portraits she had created of our beloved bird. Really amazing. Right down to the fairy twinkle stickers. Never has a pheasant been so well regarded. The first thing she said when she emerged from the car "Mommy where are the Kekoa drawings?" Too cute. Oh then the other question, "Is it John and Conn or Conn and John?"

I like how in this one the butterfly is kissing him.

We had to break the news that Kekoa lived somewhere else now but his dad sometimes comes around when we put out some bird seed. So after lunch Conn let Malia throw out some seeds under the banana plants hoping Big Daddy would show.

With great relief he did.

She then disappeared into the house for a bit and returned with a drawing of a bug and a carrot. Conn asked her if the pointy spikes at the top were mountains. She said "No, it's grass! Bugs are tiny!"

It was a great day getting to know people who we already felt like we knew. Looking forward to the next time.
1 comment:
sigh - lovely. it's like being there all over again. . .wish we were!
i forgot about her bug drawing and the grass/bugs are tiny answer - lol!
she still talks about the kissing bugs, mini snake, (not a bumble) bees and every cardinal might be the "african" (hehheh) variety like at conn and john's house.. .and "maybe it flew all the way here."
another day will find us under that tree again. until then - aloha and big, big hugs.
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