Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Detail of Tom Bonauro's Home
photo from sfgirlbybay

A blog I have been following lately is sfgirlbybay by Victoria Smith. Good thing too, as 3 of our favorite people have been featured in the last 2 days. Lauren Smith and Derek Fagerstrom of Curiosity Shoppe and graphic artist Tom Bonauro.

I meet all 3 while working at Todd Oldham back in NY. Lauren and Derek moved back to SF to open their shoppe about 3 years ago and have had a curious group of followers since. Tom has lived there as long as I have known him and has quite an amazing eye! He is working on a new monograph of his work so make sure to check out the preview on his online portfolio.

Tom has designed some of the most beautiful graphics around and we are lucky enough to own a few of his pieces. Even the envelopes are amazing. I just received a few new pieces this year.

I could really gush about the 3 of them all day... but I will just let you view their images and see for yourselves how amazing they are.


Here are a few of the Tom pieces that grace our kitchen. More like these as well as a few books and framed envelopes are waiting to go in the new office. Most are 2 sided, and it was a real chore to decide which side to display. I may find a new way to display them so that we can take advantage of both sides.

Jar of chicks were actually a gift from Lauren and Derek.

Printed on wood

Etched into brass

This is a bar of chocolate that I have kept in the fridge for about 8 years now. It says OKAY.
I love having a little piece of art in the refrigerator.

"from the sky"
Printed on wire screen.

pressed into a Heath Ceramic Tile

Enameled metal

"seems to APPEAR"
Carved in graphite

Click here to read the piece on Lauren and Derek - Love and Curiosity -
that Victoria wrote and photographed
photo from sfgirlbybay

And here to see the feature on Tom's home.
photo from sfgirlbybay


Lauren said...

Hi Conn! I'd try to convince you to move to SF too if you didn't live in MAUI... we miss you! I'm jealous of your collection of Tom's type pieces, and I love that you keep your little fluffy chicks in a jar!!


Deb said...

Inside-fridge art - what a novel idea! I have a soft spot for word art. . .Tom's are amazing.

Bean just loves her chicks, Lauren(they were sweet enough to share a couple with her). So thank you too;)

Deb said...

Hahaha - it took me a few to figure out HALO! I was so used to Hawaiian that I kept seeing HA-LO - as in halo-halo:)

My friend Renee from Maui, who just visited the mainland, kept saying "Ee-KAY-AH" . . .yep, Ikea!