Saturday, March 08, 2008


Thank god this mess is GONE!

Here are some images of the final stages of setting the tiles. We had just enough... 1 left over actually... to do the bedroom as well. It was not our first choice, we wanted bamboo, but too soft.
It just could not have worked out any better. We will order 1 more carton of tiles just to have on hand should we need to replace one down the road. The closet ended up with a slightly different pattern. We needed to add in 1 1/2" strips otherwise we would not have had enough tile. We had so many scrap strips that we used those. Waste not want not! For the back splash in the bath, I did the same thing... I used all scraps and came up with an entirely different pattern that we both really love. It was a miracle how it all fell into place. The finished images to come soon. We are still casting and staging. In other words... decorating.

The niche waiting for it's final stage.

The last shower wall.

The bathroom back splash.

Layin' it down it the bedroom.
John finally shaved his 2 week growth when it was all over.

The surprise pattern in the closet.

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