Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Well hell... we're still at it. This bathroom is taking as long as if not longer than the kitchen. We were not prepared for it to take so long. The sloping of the floor and the bench... so that water drains properly, set us back at least a full day. The mastic on those had to be twice as thick on the far edges and therefore is going to take a few days to dry. The actual placing of wall tile is much harder ... well much more time consuming that anticipated. As of today we have installed the sink base cabinet, sink, faucet and light fixture. The walls are painted, floor down, shower floor down, 2 of 4 shower walls installed (grout in a few days). Still have to hang wall cabinets (3), mirror, towel bars, T.P. holder and baseboards. It looks like a spa... amazing. Maybe by next Monday we'll be done! Ok... back to marking tile for cutting bright and early in the morning.
Tiling the bench.

The mosaic tiling on the window ledge... 128 individual 3/4" x 3" tiles all set 1 by 1.

1 comment:

baffle said...

This kind of home improvement is like MAGIC to me.

That's mainly due to the fact that room transformations at this level don't get done around my humble abode. I can only d-r-e-a-m, and live vicariously through your successes!

All 'waaaaah' on my part aside, your home is becoming more and more gorgeous and your projects are so well executed.

You guys really do rock!
And you're CUTE too!!