Monday, June 18, 2007


Last night my cousin (hoahanau) Jenny and her husband Jon came over and saw the house and property. We all went out to dinner at Charley's in Paia which is owned by Willie Nelson and serves up some really good food including breakfasts with mac nut pancakes the size of a basketball. Jon and Jenny are here for their long overdue honeymoon. We've been here 3 months and have seen my sister, mom, grandma and cousins Joe and Jenny. Pretty wild.
I love the old instamatic film look these images have. Might have been the lighting.... but might also bee that the camera is broken. The display stopped working on now I have no idea what I am getting or if the flash is on. Looks like we will be shopping for a new camera soon. CRAP!

Jon, Jenny and Grandma's shrimp cocktail.
Jenny, Grandma and Willie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aloha to the Happy HoneyMooners!!!!And Aloha to all you HoneyMooner Wanna-Be's! Looks like everyone is having a great time!!!! You have "Super Hosts" Conn and John..... so how could you NOT have a great time?! Take lots of pictures, make lots of memories, and _ _ _ _ _ _! Lots of Love, Mommy from Florida