Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou

As John alluded in his previous post, we have some REALLY BIG NEWS to share with you all. Some of you already know, but for those who don't... CUCKOO FOR COCONUTS will be relocating. Yes, we have decided that it is time to leave New York City for the warm tropical breezes of Maui! We bought a house on Maui late summer of 2006 and look to be moving sometime in the next few months. Are we crazy? NO! What are we going to do when we get there? TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME! Eat fresh fruit from our yard... coconut (of course), banana, guava, papaya, orange, mango, tangerine, starfruit and many more. Our first goal will be to get the garden planted.

Here is a sneak peek at our 2.1 acres of PARADISE. Stay tuned and check back often for all the details of our journey. Oh yeah, we hope to see many of our friends in our new home so make your reservations early! We are actually getting bookings already.

The view from the drive down our road. The cluster of cook island pine trees in the center of the image is our yard.

John taking a stroll through the front yard.

The view of Haleakala from the back of the house.
In the morning's and evenings you can see to the 10,023 foot summit of the dormant volcanic crater.

The view from the back of the house to the vegtable garden and back yard.

The view from the far corner of the backyard looking toward the house through the palms and banana grove.


Anonymous said...


Derek said...

I'm already packing our bags.
Can't wait to visit and completely overstay our welcome!!!!!

Lauren said...

Paradise indeed! Could it be any more beautiful? I'm so excited for you guys!

baffle said...

I am absolutely CRAZED with excitement for the two of you!
This move is going to bring such growth to your lives.

After all is said and done, what are we here for but to grow and learn and be true to ourselves (and hopefully, then - to others)?

That garden - OMG - qu'elle magnifique!
Or shall I say 'Go Brah!'.

Wow - home cultivated tropical yummies to sustain you.
Abundant sunshine and trade wind breezes!
Magnificent views!
Gecko in da house!
Aloha shirt e'vy dey!



Conn said...

MAHALO NUI LOA! (thank you very much)
Come on over! Hoping to see you all.
We still cannot believe and are black and blue from pinching ourselves!