Friday, August 11, 2006


Van She has been haunting me. I saw a video for their song "Kelly" and it made me uncomfortable. In same way that finding an old trapper keeper decorated with your sketches of gnomes and unicorns would. Or maybe not. Anyway, the point is that they do 80's pop better than the actual 80's did. I thought when i bought their ep that i would regret it in a week. But their songs float into my shuffle and i am instantly pleased and assume they are old New Wave songs (old New Wave?) They finally have a site up with an equally uncomfortable logo. My teeth hurt just looking at it. Of course, i love it. The site offers up a radio that you can set to play in the background that runs through all their songs. I loves me some internet.


Anonymous said...

My husband at work come over now.

Anonymous said...

I'll be right over. Wear the red number.

John said...

I'll bring the Russell Stover chocolates and Bartle and Jaymes wine coolers.

Anonymous said...

Wait, is this your blog, or a sex cruising website? What are you wearing? What is Vanshe wearing? I'll have to check out their site when I'm at home (and have sound capabilities, not because I can take my pants off).